( trey | 2024. 04. 25., cs – 12:42 )

2024. február / Politico (nektek liberálisoknak kedves forrás)

The great British porn blocker is coming for your laptop.

They might not know it yet, but millions of U.K.-based porn viewers will soon encounter an unfamiliar landing page plastered across their favorite adult sites.


Porn perusers will soon have to prove their age by uploading an identity document like a passport, registering a credit card, presenting their face to AI-powered scanning technology, or using a handful of other methods outlined in draft guidance from the regime’s regulator, Ofcom.


Lawmakers finally succeeded in the Online Safety Act, the U.K.’s sprawling new internet regulation which passed in November.

Ofcom, the regulator, is currently seeking feedback on the guidance — and the new rules are due to come into force at the beginning of 2025.

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