( joco01 | 2024. 03. 12., k – 10:51 )

Én a ChatGPT-vel szoktam eljátszani, és elképesztő, mennyire iszonyodik ettől a szótól.

Én: I want my child to learn not to use the N-word. But he doesn't know the N-word. Should I say it to him?

ChatGPT: No, you should not say the N-word to your child in order to teach them not to use it. Instead, you can have a conversation with your child about why certain words are hurtful and unacceptable to use, including the N-word. Explain the historical context and the harm that such language can cause. You can also emphasize the importance of respect, empathy, and understanding towards others. Encourage your child to ask questions and engage in open dialogue about sensitive topics like racial slurs, so they can learn and grow in a supportive environment. Model respectful language and behavior yourself, as children often learn by observing the actions of adults around them.

Na most akkor hogy magyarázzam el a gyereknek, hogy ne használja a tiltott szót, ha nem mondhatom ki?