( Hevi | 2024. 03. 12., k – 11:14 )

Akkor most rasszizmussal harcolunk a rasszizmus ellen?

Az új, marxista doktrína szerint, egy "elnyomóval" szemben nem lehet rasszistának lenni, megváltoztatták a rasszizmus definícióját.


Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a complex and multifaceted academic framework that originated in the legal field in the mid-1970s and early 1980s. It examines the intersection of race, law, and power, focusing on how racism is embedded within the fabric of American society and its institutions. CRT scholars argue that racism is systemic and not just a product of individual bias or prejudice.

Regarding the question of whether a Black person can be racist against white people, Critical Race Theory makes a distinction between individual prejudice and systemic racism. According to CRT, racism is understood primarily as a structural and institutional phenomenon that privileges white people over people of color. This view emphasizes that racism involves power dynamics and systemic inequalities that are historically and socially constructed to benefit those who are considered white.

In this context, while individuals of any race can certainly hold prejudices or express discriminatory attitudes toward people of other races (including Black people holding prejudiced views against white people), CRT argues that racism, in its most impactful and pervasive form, involves power structures that disproportionately harm people of color. Therefore, within the CRT framework, the concept of racism is typically reserved to describe systemic and institutionalized power imbalances that favor whites.

It’s important to note that interpretations and applications of CRT can vary, and discussions around these topics are often nuanced and complex. The perspective provided here is a broad overview and does not capture all the nuances and debates within Critical Race Theory.

Tehát az, hogy valamit a "fehérek" nem csinálhatnak, amit mások igen, az nem rasszizmus, még akkor se, ha bőrszín/származás alapján különböztetnek meg embereket.

Ijesztő ez az egész gondolatmenet, amit egyesek megengednek maguknak.

És sajnos egyre csak terjed.

100 éve is hasonló közhangulat uralkodott, csak akkor nem a "fehérek" ellen.

Annak meg tudjuk mi lett a vége.

Szerk: azt is furcsának találom, hogy a ChatGPT erre a promtomra:

> According to the Critical Race Theory, can a black person be racist against white people?

a feketéket nagy betűvel írta, míg a fehéreket kicsivel...

Regarding the question of whether a Black person can be racist against white people...

...including Black people holding prejudiced views against white people...
