( nns | 2024. 01. 16., k – 17:29 )

A Fox cikk annyira információ nélküli, hogy konkrétan rá kellett keresnem mi is történhetett.

A CBS azt írja, hogy azért van ott tumultus (és nem más Superchargernél) mert jónéhány töltő elromlott a maradék oszlopot meg tovább foglalják a Teslák mert lasabban töltenek: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/tesla-owners-run-into-trouble-amid-bitter-cold/ (sokkal rövidebb cikk, dráma nélkül és elmondja mi történt)


A The Register meg idézi a FOX32-t, de mintha ők többet idéznének mint ami a FOX cikkben maradt: https://www.theregister.com/2024/01/16/tesla_owners_in_deep_freeze/

However, Mark Bilek of the Chicago Auto Trade Association, said that drivers were missing a trick. "Like any new technology, there's a learning curve for people," he told Fox 32. "It's not plug and go. You have to precondition the battery, meaning that you have to get the battery up to the optimal temperature to accept a fast charge."

But it's really not that simple. Preconditioning also drains the battery. Even looking at Tesla's own "Cold Weather Best Practices" is like playing 4D chess if you need to take a trip in the dead of winter.