( st3v3 | 2024. 03. 25., h – 15:16 )

Az ukránok addig harcolnak, amig a ruszkik haza nem takarodnak.

Érdekes mintha az ukrán fiatalság megmaradt része másképp gondolná:

[..] Artem says he and his friends dodging the draft are also afraid of being stuck in combat for months or years on end. “I’m young and want to live my life, and to go there without knowing when I will return to my normal life is hard. I have friends who volunteered at the beginning of the war and they're still there fighting. So it is like a one-way ticket,” he says.[..]

[..]Enforcement is haphazard, depending largely on random spot checks of documents by police, who are more vigilant in some areas of the country than in others.[..]

Érdekes, hogy még a háborús uszító politico is eljutott 2024 március végére már oda, hogy ezt le meri írni.

[..] Prolonged time on the frontlines is also drawing bitter complaints from battle-weary Ukrainian combatants demanding to be demobilized or rotated out with lengthy recuperation time. Their relatives want the same thing: On Sunday, dozens of families of frontline soldiers crowded into Kyiv’s Maidan Square to demand their husbands, fathers and boyfriends be relieved from combat, arguing they’ve done their bit and now must be demobilized or given considerable rest and relaxation.  [..]

[..]For Artem, there’s little that could persuade him to enlist. “My mother is a nurse and she sees the wounded and tells me firmly to stay out of it,” he says. [..]

forrás: https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-faces-an-acute-manpower-shortag…

Aki érti és látja mi történik az nem kívánkozik a lövészárokba és másokat sem küldene oda, ahova saját maga sem megy.