( st3v3 | 2024. 03. 25., h – 15:22 )

Ukrainian porn star raises funds for war amputees

[..] Kyiv intentionally does not disclose how many people need prosthetics, Oksana Zholnovych, the social policy minister, told Ukrainian media. However, she insisted the government is able to cover those needs.

This year, more than 4.5 billion hryvnia (€111 million) have been allocated for rehabilitation aid, and there is no need to collect money for those who need prosthetics, said Olena Kulchytska, an adviser to Zholnovych.

[..] However, according to the Protez Foundation, around 59,000 Ukrainians need prosthetic limbs. They can cost $46,000 to $90,000 each, according to Ukraine’s Superhumans Rehabilitation Center. Dozens of Ukrainian clinics and different initiatives are involved in the rehabilitation of military and civilian amputees. Most rely on government programs and donations, but there isn’t enough money to go around.  [..]
