( st3v3 | 2024. 03. 26., k – 12:12 )

Ismét toporzékol az impotens követelődző:

[..]“Give us the damn Patriots,” he demanded. Originating in the United States, Patriot surface-to-air missiles are the best defense system to combat the ballistic missiles that have been raining down on Ukraine with increasing intensity in recent days. [..]

Mégis mi a fenét képzel magáról ez a seggdugasz? Legyen hálás azért amit kap; a kéregető akar rendelni az étlapról már megint.

[..]“If we had enough air defense systems, namely Patriots, we would be able to protect not only the lives of our people, but also our economy from destruction,” he added. [..]

Vásároljatok vagy építsetek magatoknak mint mindenki más a világon!

[..]Kyiv is, of course, unconditionally grateful for all the support that is coming from the Western alliance, he said. But he worries the allies’ actions don’t always match their rhetoric and as the war drags on, they are “going back to the usual way of doing politics.” [..]

És örülnie kéne, hogy eddig tartott az ingyen ebéd. egy év alatt kaptak 20 év alatt afganisztánra költött pénzt. Ha azt képzelték, hogy ez marad a trend akkor teljesen kretének.

[..]He describes a vicious circle – weapons are withheld or delayed or supplied in insufficient numbers and then the allies say Ukraine is retreating, it is impossible for Ukraine to win. And the allies ask themselves, why they should provide Ukraine with “game-changing” weapons. [..]

Min értetlenkednek? Mégis miért adna át bárki további nagy értékű fegyvereket bármiféle ellentételezés nélkül?

[..]that Ukrainian soldiers do not have sufficient amounts of weapons because you did not provide them,” he said.[..]

Nem! Azért nincsenek fegyvereik, mert a felelős, önálló ukrán állam nem gondoskodott a katonái ellátásáról. Koldus mutogat és ordibál a járókelőkkel.

[..]French President Emmanuel Macron escapes the Kuleba critique. After a shaky start, Macron has recently stiffened his resolve — in his public commentary at least — insisting that Europe cannot rule out sending ground troops to Ukraine if that’s what is needed to prevent Russia winning. “We were pleased to see President Macron evolve in that direction,” he said.

While Ukraine has never asked for “European combat troops’ boots on the ground”, EU leaders need to get used to the idea that “the day may come.” [..]

